
Eye Primers (Etude House, Urban Decay, NYX, ELF) Comparison and Mini Reviews

1:07 PM

I have been wanting to do a battle of the eye primers ( that I have owned/currently own and tested the heck out of) because I personally have very oily eyelids and really wanted to find a good one. I can't put any kind of eye makeup on without a good primer! If any of you guys have the same problem as me I hope you find this primer comparison helpful! To save this post from being boring and making it easier to read, I have added little charts for each product! 

I don't have the ELF Mineral Eye shadow primer anymore because I didn't like it and gave it to my cousin. It was really liquid-y and really did not help my eyeliner not slide and smudge everywhere. It couldn't combat my oiliness effectively :( 

The reason that the Proof 10 and Urban Decay got 4 1/2 stars is because sometimes I do find that after 8 hours or so, you can kind of see the oilies peeking through the shadows (as gross as that sounds). It isn't super noticeable but I can definitely tell! The important part is VERY minimal smudging happens :D Also, with the proof 10 you have really blend it out because it can sometimes make your lids feel stiff. I like them both better than the NYX HD because the smell isn't overwhelming at all. The NYX HD worked THE best for me but the smell is just nastttyyyyy! 

Hope that helped you take the first step in solving your oily lid problems ahahaha I know I'm very happy that I found eye primers that work very well for me. I really didn't compare the vibrancy claims because I'm not as concerned about that as I am with keeping my eye products stay put.  Personally, I think they all do a good job in making them appear more vibrant! If you are more curious about that you can definitely Google it :]! Thanks for reading guys!

Amandaaa Photobucket

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  1. Thankyou for all the reviews! D; Lame that the best primer smelt unbearable haha.

    1. thank you for reading the reviews! :D and yeah i know, i was very sad! :(

  2. I love the little design comparison compositions you've made - they're sooo cute! :D This is heaps helpful, I've heard so much hype over the Urban Decay primer but I was never sure if it creased - like many that I've tried :(( 'smells like an indoor pool' HAHAHAHA oh you, I love it. Oh wow, I didn't know you could see the oils, that is gross! But this has certainly helped and I'll keep this in mind :D Thanks Kada!

    1. O why thank you Bambi ♥ your comments never fail to make me smile!! :D I'm so glad you found this post helpfulll!!! It really does smell like an indoor pool ahahaha!! I was sitting there sniffing it like a wierdo trying to correctly describe the scent -___-;

  3. really helpful. I own proof 10 but wanna try UD primer potion someday. Thanx for the review Amanda ^^


    1. I think they are really similar :] I'm glad you found it helpful!!! ♥


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